FAQ aka frequent asked question to us logo

Most frequent questions ( FAQ ) and answers

Darshan Pharma Chem is located at Plot No. 3609, GIDC estate.

Check us on Apple or Google Maps.

Darshan Pharma Chem is on almost every B2B Portal, Tradeindia to IndiaMART to Justdial etc.

Usually 25kg or 50kg  packaging bags or containers (Drum) are used. 

Darshan Pharmachem (P) Ltd has an ISO 9001:2015 certificate.

And StartUpIndia certificate from Government of India (Ministry of Commerce and Industry).

Usually delivery time is around 6-8 days.

Usually we don’t provide sample, but you can contact us on mail (darshanpharmachem@gmail.com) regarding sample.

Mail us at darshanpharmachem@gmail.com for COA.

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